Friday, August 07, 2009

New Model Assesses Education in Colorado

Today marks the official launch of the Colorado Growth Model, a data tool that examines progressive rather than static student achievement in the state. The growth model has taken four years to develop and used at least $1.8 million in public and private funds for research and development. The concept of a growth model is addressed in Colorado S.B. 09-163. You can read more about the new data tool in the Denver Post.

The CSAP (Colorado Student Assessment Program) will still be used to measure student achievement, but the new growth model will examine students' educational progress over time and use aggregate education growth data to determine how schools and districts are progressing educationally. SchoolView is the new website containing data and information about Colorado's Growth Model. To learn how to navigate the website and and find a tutorial on Colorado's Growth Model, go to the website's Learning Center.

For additional Colorado government resources about education and legislation, see our guide.

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