Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Primary, Cacaus, oh my

Well, if you read the papers or watch news on TV you can't help but have heard that the race to be the Republican and Democrat nominee for President is on. Unlike the national election, there is no one place that contains all the election results, but you can check 'em out state by state.

How you ask? The Department of Defense (since many of the members serve overseas and don't get the local paper) has developed a web page that lists the Secretary of States for all fifty states and some territories, each of these sites lists the official state results.

For those of you in Colorado registered as a Democrat or Republican you can go to the caucus on February 5. Want more information on that? Check out the Colorado State Publication's blog posting on the Colorado Caucus.

Want more elections and voting information? Check out the library's guide.

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